Consultants to lead digital transformation. Both agile experts and architecture masterminds. We recruit leaders and specialists when you want long-term solutions.
Automates. The symbiosis of what we do and who we are!
Business- and Tech Leadership 2.0
System developers 'speaking your language'
Everything digital, smart thought and beautifully designed.
Great IT offers a variety of services in IT consulting.
The fresh and superclever tech-nerds, rethinking and challenging status quo. That's Holly consultants.
Management consulting - Strategy and implementation, Project management, Compliance, User experience.
Cybersecurity - Made Simple!
We bring business value with digital innovations for a better end-user experience
Regentor offers broad and senior expertise in Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365
Hands-on advisory and software development with focus on integrations, architecture, MLOps, web, nocode/lowcode and cyber security
Eghed är stolt över att vara en del av born{digital}, en sammanslutning av ledande tech- och konsultbolag som tillsammans skapar innovativa och hållbara lösningar för framtidens utmaningar. Genom detta partnerskap får vi tillgång till ett brett nätverk av experter och specialistkompetens som kompletterar vår egen expertis inom AI och Data Science.